Sunday, January 29, 2012

Blog Topic #1 Self Assessment

1. What did you learn about your current VTS skills from self-assessing video #3 from last semester?

I think that I am doing well considering how uncomfortable I was with it in the beginning. I am much more comfortable and doing well with gesturing and paraphrasing.

2. What do you think you are doing well? (What did you see that makes you say that?)

As I said above I think that my strengths are gesturing and paraphrasing. I also am doing well with asking questions 1 and 2. These things were all evident in the video. It seemed that my hands were never still. As the students were speaking I was referring to what they were talking about in the image and as I was paraphrasing I was again gesturing. From watching the video it shows that I must be have been consistently asking questions 1 and 2 well throughout the semester because I wasn't even having to ask them with most students. The students knew the process and knew the questions at this point.

3. What do you think you need to work on?  (What did you see that makes you say that?)

I need to work on using Question #3 consistently. After watching the video I saw that I was not using it very often and I need to push that question more even if I have a classroom full of students with their hands raised waiting to speak.

4. What behaviors/skills will you focus on developing and/or improving during the semester?

I will be working with new students this semester so I hope that I will be able to introduce them to VTS and that they will come to enjoy it as much as my students did last semester. I want to work on using question #3 consistently in order to push my students to continue looking and thinking.


  1. Great assessment! It's always surprising to see how hard the facilitor works during a VTS discussion; students are working cognitively, but the facilitor is working just as hard physically with gesturing and following student comments with body language. Of course, paraphrasing is no small task, either, so that mental task goes into the facilitator's column, too! I'm pleased that you understand the importance of Question #3. It reinforces your expectation of students to continually go back to the image for more; a disposition we hope will transfer into their independent encounters with art and visual culture. In the upcoming national elections, I think VTS-style noticing will be a great skill and quite an eye-opener for all!

  2. Hi Lindsey! Looking forward to lots of exchanges! I will have new students and likely a few old ones so it will be interesting for us!
