Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Ch. 7 What Works?

Time Line: I’m not sure that I will be able to do this in the upcoming school year because of so many obligations already on my plate but here goes dreaming:

July-Mid. Aug.: Create Surveys and Pretests. Blog about the process.

Aug.: Get Permission from Principle. Blog about the process.

Sept: First day of school: get student permission and send home parental permission.
          As soon as permission is returned administer survey and pretest to students in Art I classes.
          Hopefully this will be during the first week of school.  Blog about the process.         

Oct. : Organize, code, analyze, and interpret data from the surveys and pretests. Blog about the process.

Jan.: First day of school: get student permission and send home parental permission
          As soon as permission is returned administer survey and pretest to students in ART I classes.
     Hopefully this will be during the first week of school.  Blog about the process.

Feb.: Organize, code, analyze, and interpret data from the surveys and pretests. Blog about the process.

March: Combine data collection. Organize findings. Blog about the process.

April: Prepare presentation for school board. Gather relevant artifacts for talk. Blog about the process.
           Begin writing article and organizing website. Use the information from my blog to do so.   

May: Presentation to school board.
          Finish Article and Website.

Find a Grant Source:

-Georgia Association of Educators


Working Proposal:

Background (or Position Statement): I teach in a great county and I love my school and my students. Though in our school district there is no art education at the elementary school level and there is no art education at the feeder middle school just across campus. My students are being exposed to art education for the first time in high school and it’s sad to say that many students are not being exposed to art at all.

Research Question and Subquestions: Where are high school students at without prior art education within artistic development?

Related Research: Creative and Mental Growth, Viktor Lowenfeld, Macmillan Co., New York, 1947; Patterns of Artistic Development in Children: Comparative Studies of Talent, Constance Milbrath, 1998; The Child's Creation of a Pictorial World, Claire Golomb, 2004; Young children's sculpture and drawing: A study in representational development, Claire Golomb, 1974; Child Development in Art, Anna M. Kindler (Editor);

Permissions: I will need permission from my principle, from the students and from their parents.

Data Sources: pretest for students entering into Art I and a survey for students entering into Art I,

Methods and Analysis: During the first week of school in the fall and again second semester in January,  I will give the students in all of the Art I intro classes a survey to fill out and a pretest to take. The survey will gather background data to determine any prior art education. The pretest will be used to gather evidence of artistic development and understanding. The survey and parts of the pretest may be electronic with the use of ipads.

Time Line: I’m not sure that I will be able to do this in the upcoming school year because of so many obligations already on my plate but here goes dreaming:

July-Mid. Aug.: Create Surveys and Pretests. Blog about the process.

Aug.: Get Permission from Principle. Blog about the process.

Sept: First day of school: get student permission and send home parental permission.
          As soon as permission is returned administer survey and pretest to students in Art I classes.
          Hopefully this will be during the first week of school.  Blog about the process.         

Oct. : Organize, code, analyze, and interpret data from the surveys and pretests. Blog about the process.

Jan.: First day of school: get student permission and send home parental permission
          As soon as permission is returned administer survey and pretest to students in ART I classes.
          Hopefully this will be during the first week of school.  Blog about the process.

Feb.: Organize, code, analyze, and interpret data from the surveys and pretests. Blog about the process.

March: Combine data collection. Organize findings. Blog about the process.

April: Prepare presentation for school board. Gather relevant artifacts for talk. Blog about the    
           process. Begin writing article and organizing website. Use the information from my blog to  
           do so.   

May: Presentation to school board.
          Finish Article and Website.

Possible Findings: I expect to find that the students entering my high school Art I classes are significantly behind in terms of their artistic development as a result of not being exposed to art education.

Dissemination: I will create a blog and/or website of some sort for my own use while in progress and to use as a way show the final results of the study.   In addition to a website I will write an article and certainly present to my school board.

Budget: $200

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